Friday, 21 October 2011

The Artist

At the gala screening of 'The Artist' last week, truly the best film I have seen so far at the London Film Festival. Dujardin utterly deserved his prize at Cannes, and should definitely be nominated for an Oscar. It's strange that a predominantly silent film has such an emotional pull, but I laughed, cried and spontaneously clapped during the screening (along with the whole of the rest of the audience). The film riffs on the plots of both Sunset Boulevard and A Star Is Born, and uses original twenties settings and staging to provide an extremely modern tale. The cinematography is beautiful, and the classic soft-focus closeups are captured exactly as they were 80 years ago, though perhaps a little less blurringly romantic (to go with the 21st century story of the trappings of fame, depression, pride and its fall).

It's an unlikely choice to pick to see at the cinema, I guess, but I give it a million starred review, and urge you all to put all your prejudices about 'black and white' and 'silent' to one side, and give it a go. Fork out eight quid (cinemas are so expensive these days!), it'll be the best eight quid you've ever spent- promise! 



  1. I was so anti-black and white film until I saw Control (the biopic of Ian Curtis's life). The Artist sounds good! I'll have to see if anywhere nearby is showing it

  2. hi there thanks for the comment,if u like my blog would love you to follow it?nice outfit btw
    happy weekend

  3. Thank you for sharing this, am gonna watch it.

  4. beautiful!! amazing blog!!i'm following you!!if you like mine, do the same!!!!

  5. this film is beautiful ;))

  6. I'm going to watch it =)


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